Accept payments in INR integrating Razorpay into your app with Node Express backend and React Next.js frontend.



Manu Arora


Estimated Days to Fulfill: 7
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In this integration, I (Manu Arora) will work with you on integrating Razorpay standard checkout flow (fixed-price payments) into your application. I have experience integrating Razorpay into Node.js and Express Apps. Here’s a demo I have built: After this solution you can start accepting money in INR from your users through your application. You must book this solution only if you have an approved Razorpay account that can receive money in INR (i.e. you must have an INR bank account too) and the aforementioned tech stack.


I will integrate the Razorpay Standard checkout into your Node.js and Express application with React frontend in Javascript. (Currently, I only work in Javascript not Typescript). You can check the link in the overview for an example of how the standard checkout will be like. I can make adjustments to the look and feel of the popup. I will assume that you have your backend (Node.js and Express) and frontend (NextJS/React/Javascript) repositories already setup. Code changes to setup the frontend and backend will be out of scope of this solution.

Initializing payments in the front-end and verifying payment completion on the back-end will be in scope for this solution. If you have any concerns or questions, please use the “Ask Questions” button to raise any questions.

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